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' the Restel has always been our home '

Marco, Ida, Chiara, Enio Meneghelli


Restel de Fer

Restel de Fer

'Restel de fer' is dialect word with which the Rivani (the inhabitants of Riva) called the wrought iron gate that enclosed the estate of the family de Lutti of which my ancestors, since 1400 (date of construction of the house that hosts us) were the farmers.

Locanda Restel de Fer born as Farm, but also harbor and refuge for those seeking the peaceful quiet of the countryside, shelter and asylum.

The beginnings

The beginnings

In 1965, Bruno e Lina Meneghelli, our grandparents, obtained the ownership of the house, they decided to open up an Inn, Locanda, where you could eat and also rest.

In the 80's the management passed to our father Enio and our mother Ida, who have restored the Locanda, maintaining the original features, to offer hospitality full of tradition, quality and, of course, even a little 'memories.



Today in the management we also participate, Marco and Chiara, the third generation of Meneghelli, with the help and supervision of mum and dad.

Marco, architect wine lover and expert olive oil taster, takes care of the restaurant and the wine shop with such passion. 
If you wish, he will guide you to the discovery of local products, wines and olive oils (including our oil produced by olive trees inherited from grandparents).

While I, Chiara, mainly I deal with the management of the hotel.

Mamma Ida continues to take care of the breakfasts (she is a master in preparing capuccinos) and to dedicate herself to the care of the garden that thanks to her green thumb is super luxuriant!

Dad Enio has been a sommelier since 1979, helping Marco to select the best wines to pair with our restaurant's dishes.
Dad is also a great storyteller and if you are lucky enough to meet him and you will have time, he will surely tell you a story and will probably even offer you a glass of wine.

Together we commit ourselves to offer the best hospitality to those who choose to stay in our house, the Locanda Restel de Fer.

Locanda Restel de Fer - via Restel de Fer, 10 - 38066 Riva del Garda - (+39) 0464553481 -